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2011 October minutes

Salem Council on Aging
Board of Directors
Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting 10/19/11 6:35pm

Present: Pat Donahue (PD, Chair), Elaine Heredeen (EH, Vice Chair), Pamela Greaves (PG), Dolores Nangle (DN, Treasurer), Julie Carter (JC), Julie Carver (JC), Alice Williams (AW)

Absent: Joan Lovely (JL, City Council Liaison), Donna Clifford (DC, Secretary)

Also Present:  Doug Bollen (DB)
                 Bill Woolley (BW)
                 Pat Liberti (PL, Friends of Council of Aging)
                 Sharon Kearney (Minutes)

A vote taken to waive the reading of (or read) and accept (or amend) the Minutes of the previous meeting held on Wednesday, September 21, 2011.

PD: Makes a motion to waive the reading of the minutes from the September meeting and to accept them. Seconded by AW. VOTE: Unanimous in favor.


PD:     Welcomes everyone. Reminds everyone to review the bylaws and to call if missing a meeting.  

PD:     Suggests having packages prepared and ready for all new members which would include:
                Standard of Independence and Behavior
                Bylaws of COA
                Emergency Preparedness Plan
                Salem Council on Aging, (SCOA), Transportation Service Policy


·       New Community Life Center – update on status

DB:     mentioned talking with Interior designer Elaine Bellow – the DEP may waive the last hurdle for the new senior center. With the hurdle waived there could be a ground breaking in near future. This is not confirmed.

PD:     Forum last night asked the DEP to do an inspection for Chapter 91.

DN:     Questioned about not having an inspection and if it had been through any tests?

BW:     Responded Chapter 91 deals with antiquated perspective of property ownership. The property was once under water. It gives the public opportunity to have a say as to how the property will be used.
        - Like or don’t like use. -  Inspection applicable.

·       Annual Report – Distribution of Annual Report by Doug Bollen

DB:     Refers to the report, distributed among COA Board members. Covers the entire department,  Parks & Recreation and Council on Aging. It can be obtained at the City Clerks office.

·       Award given to Sharon Felton and Lynne Barrett by NSES for REACT program.
We want to pass on our congratulations to our Social Workers Sharon Felton and Lynne Barrett!!
Our social workers Sharon Felton and Lynne Barrett were nominated  and chosen along with, Fire Chief David Cody, Police Officer Robert Phelan, and Health Department workers Tracy Giarla and   David Greenbaum as winners of the Collaboration Award. This award is given to a creative partnership where the impact on the older adult community is greater than each separate nominee. Their proactive approach to improved communication and outreach in the City of Salem made them appropriate honorees. For the past two years, North Shore Elder Services has sponsored the “We Give Thanks” Awards, which highlight examples of the care and service others provide to older persons on the North Shore and to publicly thank them for their accomplishments and contributions. The awards dinner will be held on Thursday, November 17th at 6 p.m. at the Hawthorne Hotel. At the dinner they will be presented with a beautiful trophy.

DB:  Mentioned the flu clinic, by the Salem Board of Health, at the Senior Center on    October 19; attendance was  down from previous years.

PG:  Commented - the drop in the flu clinic was probably because of the poor weather and many people did not realize the shots were only at the COA, not the clinic.

·       Citizenship for Jose Polanco announcement

BW:   BW escorted Jose Polanco, the COA’s first Hispanic guest to attain U.S. Citizenship, to Faneuil Hall for an oath-taking ceremony on Thursday, October 13, 2011. Jose Polanco was sworn in at  Faneuil Hall with 409 other people.

PG:  Mentioned there should have been an article in the Salem News about Jose Polanco becoming a citizen.

PG: Stated many individuals of the Dominican and Hispanic nationality do not feel they are part of the community.

PD:  Suggested to (BW) the Salem Gazette should write about Jose – Where he came from, how long he has been here, and his efforts to become a citizen.

*Dominican gift to COA and presentation of medal to Mayor on November 6, 2pm

BW: In recognition of efforts to reach out and enhance access to Spanish-speaking senior citizens in Salem, 80 percent of whom are Dominican, the Board of Dominican Journalists Union Bolivarian is sending a representative to present an award to Mayor Driscoll and the COA.

The award will be presented at:
The Senior Center
November 6th

BW: The continued efforts to reach out and enhance access to Spanish-speaking senior citizens have been made by bringing in advanced Spanish Salem State University students as interns for the fall semester.

PD:   Suggested this to be another story for the Salem Gazette.
DN:  Who is going to represent the COA?

·       Name newsletter contest discussion.
DB: Proposed to have a contest to name the newsletter.
DB: Suggested having a box at the Council of Aging in the main room and people fill out names for newsletter with their information and put in the box.
DN:  Interesting idea. The COA Board would be the judges.
COA Board: Agreed on contest.

·       Community Project by Cyberspace- planting flowers
DB:  Cyberspace students  planted mums and seasonal flowers in the front of the Senior Center.
Last year the Girl Scouts planted mums and annuals.

·       North Shore Elders Services –Update on new board member
DB:  Jane Sarnowski has resigned.  There are currently two open spots on the Board. We are working to solicit new members..  Patty Scanlon, (PS), may be a new member replacing Trish Cornacchio.on the North Shore Elder Services Board of Directors.

·        Activities – Update on Programs and Special Events Coming Up

DB:  The meeting with  Christy Hagger,from the US Department of Health on open enrollment for Medicare, well attended.   
                Fiesta attendance was 70 people.
                Pizza Party attendance was 90 people
                The annual Thanksgiving Dinner will be held at Salem High School on Thursday, November 17, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

PG: Stated the Golden Tones will be part of the entertainment at the Thanksgiving Dinner.

DB:     Carmen Thompson Variety Show is on Dec. 1st    
DN: Confirmed the theme of the Variety Show is ’40s and ’50s.
BW: Three interns from Salem State University are helping Spanish-speaking senior citizens gain access to the services and programs of the COA.

BW  had interviews with several students willing to spend four hours a week on various projects -- teaching computers and English, service learning, and helping with translations and interpretations. There is also a French-speaking guest who is coming to the Senior Center, lately.  Two South Korean students in the English Language Learning program at Salem State University will be doing a 1,000 Paper Cranes project while interacting with the seniors.
PD: Wants BW to put this information in newsletter.

Attendance Report – Transportation, Social Service & Nutrition attendance reported

Service                         September 2010                  September 2011
Joined Council on Aging         76                                      86
Social Services-Over 60 244 Serviced 360 Times  135 Serviced 344 Times
Social Services- Under 60       13 Serviced 25 Times            13 Serviced 32 Times
Events                          1,408                           1,457
Transportation                  1,399                           1,525
Meals – Congregate              689                             691
Meals on Wheels         1,820                           2,364

Discussion on Update on new Van and Friends of COA requested

DB:  Friends of Council on Aging has a meeting next Wednesday, October 26th which he will be attending.
There is question on when the new van will be coming.  The money has been appropriated by the Federal Government. The Friends Group had an emergency meeting and they have stated they will contribute the 20 percent which we are required to pay our portion for the new van..
Passengers vans are a top priority at the COA and Dennis Coleman was helpful in representing the COA’s need for another van.

4. Treasurer’s Report Update on budget and accounts
Update on Grant applications to North Shore Elders and State

BW: North Shore Elder Services  level-funded the COA for Title III-C. Also, the State Formula Grant was nudged up based on the established dollar amount per senior citizens. even though the dollars per senior citizen went down, the increase in the number of senior citizens in Salem fully compensated for that cut.

5. Committee Reports
PD: Opens floor to Committees
PD: No Committees

6. New Business
PD: Open floor to new business.

7. Visitor Comments
PD: Open floor to visitor comments.
PL: Pat Liberti (PL, VP Friends of Council of Aging). The annual fund raiser was fruitful.  They were able to do programs that seniors wanted. The next meeting for Friends of Council of Aging is next Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.  There are set rules to follow. They meet every 4th Wednesday of the month.

PL: Commented the Friends of Council of Aging are willing to help. Anyone doing business will need to get approval from the Council on Aging. According to Dennis Coleman everything needs approval from the Council on Aging Director Doug Bollen.

 8. Next Board Meeting will be held on November 16, 2011
PD: Makes a motion to adjourn. Seconded by EH and PG
Adjourns regular monthly meeting at 7:20 p.m.

        Minutes respectfully submitted by Sharon Kearney